How to Balance Your Bank Account With Your Passion

Everybody wants to make a living with work they enjoy.

But how many of us actually get to find the balance between making money and doing work that we’re happy with—that sets our souls on fire?

You want work that’s fulfilling, but you also have bills to pay.

You want to be responsible and meet your obligations, but you also have a passion that calls for you.

So you focus your energy on one area, but then you’re not as productive in the other.

You suffer, and so does the quality of your output.

All that happens is your dissatisfaction and stress become reflected in your work. And people feel that. You feel that.

There’s a better way to create this balance and I’d like to share it with you (if you’re open to following along).

Before you try to reconcile your values with the demands of the market…

Before you try to force yourself into this “disciplined,” “strategic” robot…

Would I be able to persuade you to hear me out?

If so, consider that your work is an idea living in your mind.

What I mean is, any type of work is idle without hands that “work” it.

In other words, work can’t work itself, without your effort. It needs your energy. It needs you to orchestrate its happening.

…It needs you to breathe life into it.

But the thing is, your breath carries with it all the corresponding ideas that come from your idea of “work”.

What happens is you inject an image of who you are into the process of what you’re doing.

And depending on who you are—the state you’re in—that determines the quality of the work, the experience others have of it, and consequently, the results you get.

The planning, the skills, the management of it all… I can help you with that, too. But all that is secondary to what I’m telling you here.

If you can remember the time, you actually used to know what I’m talking about – how to breathe joy into your “work”.

It’s just the authorities and education system we have today beat it out of you.

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