To Succeed in a Crowded Space You Must Stand Out

The barriers to entry into the coaching industry are minimal.

Meaning, there aren’t many factors that can prevent or impede someone from entering the marketplace as a coach—and consequently, there’s a ton of competition.

To be successful in any industry that has a low barrier to entry (like coaching), one must find unique and interesting ways to market themselves. They have to find their own unique way of standing out in a crowd.

This has nothing to do with the quality of service (how great of a coach they are) and everything to do with positioning (standing out amongst the vast sea of competitors).

To illustrate, a person can suck at helping others find solutions to their problems, but they can still call themselves a coach and solicit clients. Their own life could be in shambles, but they can call themselves a life coach and ask to be paid for their “life advice”. They could have never built or run a business of their own, but they can call themselves a business coach and request compensation for their “business strategy”.

Many of these people will take your money and just regurgitate a bunch of (seemingly useful) information they’ve collected over the years until the time you paid for is up.

It’s like a therapy session, except you’re not the one doing the talking.

They’re just spewing information at you with little to no regard for your actual experience.

And it’s not that they’re bad people or don’t want to help you, it’s just that they don’t understand where you’re really at—what you’re actually going through.

The immense number of options available. Countless alternative moves to take.

The doubt. The uncertainty. The expectations.

The roller-coaster ride of emotions.

How could they know these things without ever having walked the path themselves?

That’s why, although I’m often called one, I don’t like the term “coach” when it comes to what I do.

I’m not saying all coaches are bad or that they don’t have value to provide, but what I am saying is that the general perception that’s been formed around coaches limits what the good ones actually do.

That’s why whenever I’m asked if I’m a business coach or a life coach, my response is typically this: I’m a mentor.

I employ not just the information I’ve collected but also the experiences I’ve gone through to help you.

And not just that, but also all those whom I’ve observed and studied who walked side by side with me.

My knowledge + my unique experience + the distinct lessons learned from the successes and failures of my colleagues.

Nobody can get that without having walked the path—not to the degree I have.


So, there you have it, an insight into what I do intertwined with a subtle example of how to stand out from a crowd in an industry with a low barrier to entry and lots of competition.

Remember, it doesn’t matter how great your product is, or how valuable your service is, if you can’t find a way to put it in front of others to sell it, you’re stuck with no one knowing about your greatness.

The best way to do that is to STAND OUT so that you’re not grouped-with-the-herd-and-hard-to-notice.

The key is to position yourself apart from the crowd so your expertise is recognized and sought after.

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