The Curse of Creativity: Finding Focus in an Age of Distraction
Is it a blessing or a curse to be in a world filled with endless opportunities? You have all these things you want to do,
I’m Edmond, an author, entrepreneur, and consultant.
Here we dive deep into exploring and improving the human condition: business, marketing, and spirituality through the lens of psychology and philosophy – without the woo-woo.
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Money is more than a medium of exchange – it’s a pivotal force in our lives, especially for entrepreneurs. Get a sneak peak at what it means to be Wired for Success. Click the button below to get your free chapter of my book, Wired for Success: Practical Philosophies to Master Entrepreneurship and Life Life on Your Terms.
The Strategic Position Identifier Method (SPIM) is like having a bird’s eye view of your playing field from the mind of a 50+ year veteran business executive. It will help you understand things from a macro level by providing you with a potent source of information for strategic planning.
Is it a blessing or a curse to be in a world filled with endless opportunities? You have all these things you want to do,
Boredom: Friend or Foe? Most of us see boredom as an enemy, and it even shows in our common speech: “Bored to Death,” “Bored Stiff,”
Everybody wants to make a living with work they enjoy. But how many of us actually get to find the balance between making money and
Have you ever been entrusted with a secret that yearns to be told, but you can’t seem to find the ears to listen? What a
When a person does terrible things—like committing organized extermination of an entire group of people—we consider that person to be a pretty sh*tty person. We
So you’re going against the grain, taking the road less traveled, and carving out a path for yourself… And you feel lonely, like this thing
I’m a brand advisor to 6-7 figure earners who want to take their business to the next level with digital marketing.
I’m the guy they come to when they feel their online presence could use a boost to expand their reach, attract leads, and make more money – while staying true to their values.
I help them get clarity around the opportunities that’ll take them to the next level, without relying on pushy marketing tactics or inauthentic messaging.
As an eCommerce and distribution business owner turned author and consultant, I’ve developed the business acumen to take marketing campaigns to the next level.
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