Not getting the results you want?
Are things going south with your business attempts, artistic endeavors, or with your relationships?
Like, why do others seem to have it so easy? How come they’re the ones making all the progress when I’m here busting my a$$? WHEN’S MY TURN?
“Failing” sucks, but we all go through it from time to time. It’s practically guaranteed—especially if you’re doing something worthwhile.
In business. In relationships. Hobbies. Whatever. You name it.
But, believe it or not, that pain can be a good thing.
Navigating life’s setbacks is a crucial skill, and embracing the pain that comes with failure is a strong motivator to find better solutions and improve for next time.
But that’s not what most people do, is it?
Most people run from themselves—from their mistakes—come up with excuses, and make failure a reality by quitting.
It happens because of faulty belief systems. We’re not born this way.
Actually, the human organism is capable of not only handling failure but learning from it.
In this light, failure is really just a sign that we’re challenging ourselves to do something new or difficult.
Think of a baby learning to walk.
At no point after falling does the infant lay on the floor and think “This walking thing just must not be for me.”
It crawls a bit, finds its strength, and gets back up to try again.
We’ve all gone through this.
Many times actually.
Think of anything you’re good at.
You showed up, tried, and tried again until you got better.
That’s how it works.
We all have the ability to persevere.
We all have the ability to learn from our mistakes and carry on.
Optimistic people view challenges as opportunities to influence decisions rather than obstacles.
So, if you’re finding yourself experiencing the pain of failure, congratulate yourself – you’re experiencing the emotions that go with growth.
You’re getting one step closer to those results you want.
What are some setbacks you’ve faced? How have they shaped your journey?
The significance of learning from obstacles for future success cannot be overstated. Every challenge teaches us something new and allows us to build resilience.
Embracing change & failure is the ultimate key to progress. So, don’t let the pain of failure stop you from another attempt.
Crawl, if you must.
Find your strength.
Then get up and try again.
“The black belt has tapped more times than the white belt has been on the mat.”