I’ve done the research. I’ve asked around. If you read my stuff, you’re probably a cool person. Easy-going. Want the best for everyone. Etc.
But you also probably want to grow your business, make more money, and have more time for other things in your life.
This means you sometimes have to stand out. You have to lead. You have to do what you know is right.
Not only that, but you have to get others to do what you know is right.
And as a cool, easy-going person, that means you might feel a little uncomfortable because you have to introduce tension into your relationships.
Let me tell you what I mean.
After last week’s article about sales, I had someone reach out to me for some help.
I offer phone consultations at a cost, but when people have quick questions and I have the time, I’m happy to help with a free consult.
This person told me they hesitate to ask for the sale, and when they do if their prospect says something like “I’ll let you know”, they don’t know what else to say, and they end the call right there.
The thing is, it takes practice and repetition to get over those emotions (and we all deal with them).
But they do dissolve the more you believe in what you’re offering.
It might sound cliché to say, “believe in yourself”, but it’s critical that you do because those emotions you feel within yourself get “passed onto” your prospect.
This happens with the tone you use, the subtle language cues, and (if in person) your body language.
You can think of it as a chemical reaction. Your state of being is one type of chemical, your prospect’s is another. The moment you engage them there’s a mixture. The idea is to have your chemical (of certainty) stronger than theirs (of fear/uncertainty).
When you get objections like “I’ll let you know” or “let me think about it”, they’re essentially telling you that they either don’t trust you yet or that they don’t have enough information (so they’re stalling).
Basically, they’re not confident yet that you have the solution they need—that you can indeed help them—and they don’t feel comfortable telling you the real reason why.
So, you must dig deeper and probe to find out what that real reason is.
A good way I’ve found to deal with that is to address their objection directly and just express the fact that they’re hiding the real objection (in an appropriate and friendly way).
“Hey, I understand you need some time to think about it to let me know. Many people do. I’ve found that most of the time though, people can’t decide because they’re actually lacking information, not time, and I wouldn’t be happy with myself if I didn’t tell you everything you need to know to make the right decision for yourself. So, what part of this did you want to think about?”
Then proceed from there. Provide information. Build further rapport. And then ask for the sale again.”