Complete Balance in Chaos

It’s been a year since our collective uncertainty, doubt, and fear surfaced into our societies with COVID-19.

Lockdown, Pandemic, and Isolation have become regular words for us.

And still, health, money, and bills – regular concerns.

It’s rational to be afraid, to have anxiety. It’s packaged within the human condition.

But so is the ability to choose our perspectives. So, like the great comedian, George Carlin, used to say, “Fuck rational thought.” Let’s look for another view.

In Eastern cultures, they have a simple and seemingly unsophisticated symbol—the Yin

Yang symbol: a circle with a completely even distribution of black and white in it.

This symbol is a universal representation of COMPLETE balance.

You can split the symbol in two with a straight line from any angle, and still, it will always remain balanced.

The black GOES WITH the white. They’re NOT SEPARATE. That’s why the symbol is called Yin Yang – not Yin AND Yang.

That means that within all the chaos that we’re faced with, there’s a secret, underlying order that, if paid attention to, can reveal itself.

For example, have you noticed how within the doubt and uncertainty people have begun to appreciate the little things more—the things that matter?

Things like human connection? The outdoors?

Physical AND mental well-being?

We do the best with what we know, but there’s a lot that’s taken for granted.

That’s why we have chaos, to help us appreciate order.

Sickness, to help us cultivate health.

And doubt, to nurture conviction.

It’s all there and it happens for us, not to us.

Mainstream media might tell you otherwise, but they’ll only tell you one side to it—the side that benefits them.

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