The Curse of Creativity: Finding Focus in an Age of Distraction
Is it a blessing or a curse to be in a world filled with endless opportunities? You have all these things you want to do,
Is it a blessing or a curse to be in a world filled with endless opportunities? You have all these things you want to do,
Boredom: Friend or Foe? Most of us see boredom as an enemy, and it even shows in our common speech: “Bored to Death,” “Bored Stiff,”
Everybody wants to make a living with work they enjoy. But how many of us actually get to find the balance between making money and
So you’re going against the grain, taking the road less traveled, and carving out a path for yourself… And you feel lonely, like this thing
The most successful entrepreneur’s I know have some sort of end-of-the-year ritual where they reflect and plan ahead. These people all have their own personal
When you tell yourself something is good, you make other things bad. Something to consider is that everything is relative. About a hundred years ago,
Ever wonder why some people who are incredibly intelligent—the ones with so much potential—don’t move as fast as you’d expect? Then there are some of
Not getting the results you want? Are things going south with your business attempts, artistic endeavors, or with your relationships? Like, why do others seem
The brain’s most impressive faculty isn’t memory and relying on it too much as an entrepreneur can be detrimental to your success. Let me tell
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